Sweet 16!
Sweet 16. A new year has arrived and 2016 is guaranteed to move forward with lightning speed, just like how 2015 played out. Fast and furious in a good way.
In our second year of business 2015 was stellar on so many fronts. Two of our largest clients were literally handed over to us on a silver platter. We added people to the team because no matter how I much I act like Superwoman, I need all the help I can get and business is a contact sport – we all need a team. Lastly, I am starting to understand the language of financial/economic speak that is so necessary when starting and running a business. Just like life, it wouldn’t be complete if there wasn’t those painful opportunities that we know we need to learn to embrace but somehow while going through them is just that…..painful. Pain can be a good thing though as it teaches us lifelong lessons.
One of the highlights of 2015 for me was to participate in a Master Mind group. The facilitator/organizer, Shanon Brooks, founder of Monticello College in Utah, chose the theme of ABUNDANCE and for the entire year we had philosophical discussions on the writings of Napoleon Hill, James Allen and Wallace Wattles to name a few. The experience was life changing in the most amazing way.
My intent this year is to apply what was revealed to me through those readings, those deep discussions in the social sector as I work with 501 C 3 organizations. The tagline of a similar company that serves these same constituents is – NON-PROFIT, It’s a designation, not a goal. And I couldn’t agree more. The mindset of lack, limitation and poverty has got to end. Enough already! There is plenty of everything (money and talent) out there to do whatever we want to do IF we want it bad enough and if we work our plan effectively. Cheers to an awesome, ABUNDANT 2016…