From Duped to Empowered: Embracing Positive Change in Our Challenging World?
Why have we allowed this?
Grant Worthy Nonprofits…More Than Just Good Writing
So much more than just grant writing skills!
Unintended Consequences
Life is full of unintended consequences. Usually, they are mostly good. In this interesting and timely article about how to increase diversity in the workforce, it appears that many companies are getting it right. Is your company getting it right?
A Bill of Rights
Have you ever read the Board Member’s Bill of Rights? If not, we invite you to check it out. Written by Dr. Debra Beck, this inspiring document should be the absolute baseline we provide to those who take on the responsibility of governing our much-needed nonprofit organizations throughout our country.
Gender Bias……Still?
Reading the Moment of Lift was a great reminder, that although women in the United States have made great strides in many areas including voting, getting an education, professional development, and health - there still exists some gaps. Two of the biggest are equal pay for equal work and paid maternity / family medical leave. Worldwide the gaps for women are even bigger and slower in turning around. An inspirational read on how to get involved and the progress being made, this book is a must-read for anyone in the social sector - especially advocates for women’s rights.
Corporate Consciousness
It has been awake since before the 1800’s, a sense of responsibility.
A colleague recommended I read the book, Uncharitable by Dan Pallotta. It’s a great read and a very different approach to the non-profit sector.
Understanding the Value of Work
The other day I got uber happy. Ecstatic actually. There may even have been tears of joy. A government entity, YES, there it is in black and white – the department known as HOPWA (Housing People Living With AIDS) had an Aha! moment.
Activists Arise!
The February 19th edition of the Wall Street Journal featured an article called the The Rise of the Reluctant Activist. A fascinating read that talked about long-term shareholders after years of supporting a company and seeing its underperformance decided to stop their long-suffering and demanded change.
Basically the Same
Recently, I went to prison. I have been trying to go there for over two months, but because of red tape from the Texas prison system, I had to wait patiently.
Great & Sustainable
Quick. What three things come to mind when you think great organization?
The Power of 10 Percent
With a year under my belt as a new business owner, without a doubt creating a startup is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. Excluding parenthood.
Ode to a Potential Board Member
Thank you for considering to serve this community in the role of a Board Member. Serving any organization and community in the role of a Board Member is a great privilege and carries unique challenges. So please, think carefully before saying the word “yes”.